Smt. Mallawabai
Valyal Memorial Charitable Dental Hospital & Research Centre's |
v Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)(UG) 1st Year Subjects: 1. Gen Anatomy 2. Gen Physiology and Bio-Chemistry 3. Dental Anatomy and Dental Histology 2nd Year Subjects: 1. Pathology and Microbiology 2. Gen Pharmacology 3. Dental Material 4. Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry 5. Pre-Clinical Prosthodontics 3rd Year Subjects: 1. Gen Medicine 2. Gen Surgery 3. Oral Pathology 4th Year Subjects: 1. Oral Medicine and Radiology 2. Periodontology 3. Orthodontics 4. Public Health Dentistry 5. Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge 6. Conservative Dentistry 7. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 8. Pedodontics