Microglossia This is a rare developmental condition
characterised by an abnormally small tongue. This condition will cause some
difficulties related to speech and swallowing. There is no treatment for
this condition. |
Macroglossia is a condition where the tongue is abnormally
enlarged.Macroglossia may be Developmental or Associated with other
conditions like a tumour of the tongue, hemangioma, acromegaly or
amyloidosis |
Ankyloglossia is a developmental disorder more commonly known
as tongue tie. This condition occurs because of the fusion of the lingual
frenum to the floor of the mouth. This usually leads to speech problems. |
Fissured tongue This is a quite common developmental
abnormality. Also known as scrotal tongue (the appearance of the tongue
often resembles scrotum). This abnormality may also present in people with
Down’s syndrome or Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. Clinically, multiple
grooves (fissures) are present on the surface of the tongue. |
Median Rhomboid Glossitis is a lesion on the posterior
midline of the tongue strongly associated with fungal infection (Candida
albicans .The lesion may be flat or nodular and usually have rhomboidal
shape |
Geographic Tongue: This condition is also known as benign
migratory glossitis. The etiology is unknown. Clinically, the lesion appears
as smooth red area surrounded by raised irregular yellowish borders. The red
areas may regress spontaneously, but reappear over time. |
A bifid or cleft tongue (glossoschissis) is a tongue with a
groove or split running lengthwise along the tip of the tongue. It is the
result of incomplete fusion of the distal tongue buds. |