Smt. Mallawabai Valyal Memorial Charitable Dental Hospital & Research Centre's
(Approved by DCI. Affiliated to MUHS Nashik)
19/1, Kegaon, Solapur - 413 225 Maharashtra - India.        
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Dental Treatment

Dental Histological Sections

Department : Opath

  1. Transverse Section of Dentin

    1. It shows dentinal lobules in cross-section

    2. Shows and highlight:

      1. Intertubular dentin

      2. peritubular dentin

      3. Dentinal tubules

    3. Tubules are circular in cross-section.

  2. Hunter Schreger Bands.

    1. These are alternating light and dark bands that can be seen in longitudinal ground section of Enamel

    2. They represent regular change in direction of rods which is regarded as a functional adaptation

    3. Appear as light and dark bands in transmitted light

  3. Tome's Granular Layer

    1. It is the hypomineralized area of radicular dentin

    2. seen in ground sections of hoot dentin in transmitted light.

    3. Increases from CEJ to apex.

    4. It occurs due to Looping of dentinal tubules.

  4. Incremental Lines of Retzius

    1. They are incremental growth lines or bands seen in enamel.

    2. It is due to successive apportion of different layers at enamel during crown formation.

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