Smt. Mallawabai
Valyal Memorial Charitable Dental Hospital & Research Centre's
by DCI. Affiliated to MUHS Nashik) 19/1, Kegaon, Solapur - 413 225
Maharashtra - India.
Ph. Nos. : 0217-2500440 / 41.
Fax :0217- 2500613
Department : Prostho
The anterior and posterior components are joined together by
longitudinal connectors on either side.
Form a square or rectangular frame. Each component braces the
others against possible torque and flexure.
Flexure is non-existent in such a design
A posterior palatal strap should be flat and a minimum of 8
mm wide. located as far posterior as possible to avoid interference with the
tongue but anterior to the line of flexure formed by the junction of the
hard and soft palates.
Anterior connector may be extended anteriorly to support
anterior tooth replacements